Man In Gorilla Costume Attacked By Kid in Banana Costume

Banana VS gorilla – banana wins

Yeaterdays Solar Flare

Check out yesterdays “small” solar explosion.

Rumor has it Chuck Norris was vacationing on the sun and after an early morning breakfast of asteroids peppered with lunar dust, he had a bit of gas.

BMX Triple Backflip

If you’ve ever contemplated suicide – this is def the way you wanna go.

…for the rest of us that feel a compelling need to go on living – check it out this vid from the safety of your le couch.



Combination spawns from Howard Quin on Vimeo.


Greedy Mosquito

This mosquito gets greedy with its willing host.

Gross yet fascinating…like Siamese twins and Mel Gibson

Special Operations Firefight in Iraq ( Special Forces )