Yeaterdays Solar Flare

Check out yesterdays “small” solar explosion.

Rumor has it Chuck Norris was vacationing on the sun and after an early morning breakfast of asteroids peppered with lunar dust, he had a bit of gas.

Lightning Volcano Eruption


According to the news, Chile has had a massive volcano in the Caulle Cordon of southern Chile last Saturday. It erupted violently, billowing smoke and ash high into the sky and prompting more than 3,500 people living nearby to evacuate and forcing cancellation of flights. Ash and gas continued to billow from the earth on Sunday.

There were no reports of injuries from Saturday’s eruption.

A column of gas six miles high and three miles wide rose from Puyehue/Cordon Caulle complex, according to Chile’s National Geology and Mining Service.

Here are a few pics of the unreal looking eruptions and aftermath I’ve collected from around the web.

Check out that lightning streaming from the fiery eruptions!














Sentenced To Be Blinded By Acid


(Nod to Kirk Bolam for the find)

I have mixed feelings about this one.

The summery is this…
Iranian girl has a stalker,
stalker goes crazy and throws acid in her face,
Iranian girl is now blind,
under Muslim law she pushes for the ‘ol “eye for an eye”,
Stalker is sentenced to be blinded with acid,
Human rights activist protest.

Although this seems cruel it also appears it would go a long way in deterring violent crimes which would benefit society as a whole. The revolving door of the criminal system would certainly decrease if we maimed people for major offenses.

On the other hand, if something like this was accepted does it push the envelope past us being a barbaric society? Were and at what point do we stop? What about innocent people wrongfully convicted, who would be accountable if we blinded someone by mistake?

Not to mention who pays the future medical bills for a now disabled person?

One cannot argue that this idiot deserves to be blinded. This “criminal sentence” was forced on his victim without the courtesy of this debate, which makes these tough questions.

Would this be something you would condone in the United States?

(c) David Cole