Adobe Releases Powerful Tools For iPad


Three new Photoshop apps have been released by Adobe for the iPad in the App Store.

The thing that makes this intuitive is the way they interact with CS5 rather than attempting to create a replacement for Photoshop on the iPad.

Nav is the name of the first one that looks to me to be the most practical for the average users needs. Its almost like a remote pallet that can activate tools and select files. You can view layers and manipulate photos with multi-hand gestures. Priced at $1.99

Color Lava is next that and is more for the painters. It allows you to create and mix custom colors and themes and send them to Photoshop. Tapping a swatch in Color Lava can make it the foreground cover on the computer. Priced at $2.99

Eazel is last but not least and allows you to digitally “mix” wet and dry paints. The wet paints will actually “dry” over time. Basically digital finger-painting that looks really realistic without the mess. Priced at $4.99

I cant wait to see what folks come up with using these apps!

(c) David Cole

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